Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 80: "We will never understand the depth of His love on this earth, yet we should attempt to."

Day 80

Matthew 9:35-36 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.

We sang a wonderful worship song recently in Church written by Chris Tomlin and Matt Redmond, and one of the lines went like this, "I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing." To be loved by this King is an amazingly wonderful thing, a gift like no other, for among the many reasons for our gratefulness is the fact that He is a King of compassion. In Webster’s Dictionary, the word compassion is defined as “consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it." Our King is not just aware of our distress, but He also desires to alleviate it. Think about it, while He was here on earth and knowing what He faced, what was He doing? – relieving their distress.

You see, I believe that most people, if they knew they were facing a horrible, demeaning, and extremely painful death, such as Jesus suffered, would not be spending their time telling people about the blessing and promise that would result from that death. No, they would be trying to talk God out of it and spend much of their time looking for another way or another person to take their place. I believe the last thing they would be doing is telling people how great it would be for them. The remainder of their time would be spent looking for an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on, whining about their great misfortune, milking the chosen path for all of the sympathy they could muster. No, we serve a God of compassion, a God of great love and action, and a God willing to do anything to restore His people to Himself.

I don't know about you, but I truly have a hard time wrapping my mind around God's ability to love so deeply. My late wife and I have three beautiful daughters and two grandkids, and I can honestly say that there is nothing I would not do for them–most of the time. Sometimes, when they take advantage of my love, I get frustrated with them; I want them to somehow pay for the hurt they caused me, my wife, or each other. You see, while my love is unconditional, my response to their needs or request is sometimes based upon condition. My response can be influenced by many factors, and even though I hate to admit it, those factors are all too often a result of pain in my flesh; therefore, my response is also fleshly. Yet in Jesus we have a Father whose response is never tainted by circumstances, moods, or any fleshly influence. His response is always and forever motivated by His intense love for us, even when we forget. His love for us is the guiding factor in every action He takes, every move He makes, and every circumstance He allows in our lives. That should truly bring every one of us great and everlasting comfort. Please try to remember that the next time things seem to be going the wrong way–I know it's hard; however, it is true.

Sometime ago, my dear friend and colleague’s 95-year-old mother-in-law was burned very badly when her gown caught on fire. His wife, seeing this unfold, grabbed her mother and rolled her to the ground, extinguishing the flames, and in the process was also badly burned. He, too, seeing this unfold began extinguishing the flames in her hair and was also burnt and required medical attention. The next day his mother-in-law went home to be with the Lord as a result of her injuries. We can and do feel many emotions at a time like this, with questions like why? and how? coming to mind. Yet the only true comfort for this family arrived in the form of knowing the great love that our Jesus has for them; knowing that mom, when she left this earthly pain-filled body behind, landed in the arms of her compassionate, loving Savior, and never again will she suffer. And I dare say that when standing in the presence of her Lord, I doubt she asked any of those questions as well. I choose rather to believe that she was rejoicing at the sight of Him in all His glory!

Daily Prayer: Father, we often forget how much you love us, how unconditional your love is, and how You are never influenced by the weaknesses of flesh. Thank you, Lord, for being compassionate and understanding when I fail, and may You continue to have patience with me, I pray. In Jesus’ name I ask these things, Amen.

"We will never understand the depth of His love on this earth, yet we should attempt to."

Pastor Gene Burroughs

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