Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 64 "While we tend to avoid the sick, we are drawn to those who serve."

Day 64

Matthew 8:14-15 Now when Jesus had come into Peter's house, He saw his wife's mother lying sick with a fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them.

I am convinced that there are no passages in the Bible that have not been placed where they are for a very particular reason, yes, even the begats; you know, David begat Solomon, Solomon begat, and so on. Therefore, when we see small snippets such as the one we just read, it is important to wait upon the Lord and seek His interpretation or clarification of the purpose of particular passages.

I must say this passage’s interpretation has truly ministered to me. While I can think of many reasons, let's skip the small talk and get right into the God stuff. Have you ever wondered why we exist? Are we here to unlock the secrets of the universe? invent the next great gadget? make life easier? Are we here to find the cure for the next disease to unload on mankind? Think about it, if God already has all of the power needed to create, cure, and accomplish anything our minds can conjure up, why are we here? I believe our sole purpose is to serve God and to be an extension of His hands, to show the world what and who He is, to serve. If you think about all of the tools God gives us and the directions we have been left, the only common denominator for all these things is to serve. Peter's mother-in-law was in a place of not being able to serve–she was sick, incapacitated, disabled. At this point, she was being served, not serving, as well as the fact that she was infectious. Her sickness could spread and soon incapacitate others, spreading as it were this inability to be a blessing and replacing it with becoming a burden.

I must tell you that when I was at home recovering from a knee replacement, I felt a little like this woman, a burden, not a blessing. My haphazard style of living when I was younger caused me to become a hindrance to accomplishing not only my greatest task but, in addition, the tasks of those around me. Suddenly, because of my disobedience, others had to work harder, sacrifice more, and be burdened with my care, all the while being drawn away from their calling. And yes, it is infectious: others become weary, and weariness can lead to any number of difficulties and afflictions, both emotional and physical. Mind you, I'm not sitting here having a pity party or wallowing in despair–I am blessed beyond measure to be able to share the consequences of our actions and by doing so prayerfully helping others to avoid the same trials. You see, sick people can't minister very well, and people who are broken need to be fixed, whether emotional or physical. The goal is to be whole and of service.

Now, we all know those people who go from one trial to another–one sickness, either real or imagined, to another–in some sick pursuit of attention. By the way, here's some advice for helping that type: don't listen, console, or agree with them, don't feed their need for attention, don't feed the hunger, let it die. Instead, feed them the Word. Sometimes it's OK for things to die. While painful in the short haul, once the grieving is over, the healing begins, and wholeness is just around the corner. Whether you or someone you know has an emotional or physical illness, the goal must be to overcome, get well, and become of service again; otherwise, your purpose is not being fulfilled. You see, it is no one's God-given purpose to be a burden or a drain upon society (even though many are). It is, however, everyone's God-given calling to serve: first God and then their fellow man; then we become a blessing rather than a burden. When Peter's mother-in-law got up, did she seek attention for her pain and suffering? No, she just began to serve. How about you?

Daily Prayer: Father, help me to stay focused upon the bigger picture of life, the greater purpose, to serve you and others, to lay myself aside and make a difference today for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 64

Pastor Gene Burroughs

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