Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 65 He is our God

Day 65

Matthew 8:16-17 When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying: "He himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses."

"He cast out the spirits with a word...," wow, hallelujah, our God reigns! He is our God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, ruler of all that is, was, and ever will be! He is Elohim, who rules and reigns, and He is our God! He is our Father, our creator, our savior, our deliverer. He is our rear guard; He goes before us and smites our enemies. He is our daily bread, and He is our God! He has created each one of us in His image–we are the image of the living God. He sent His Son to suffer and die for us that we might commune with Him. He loves us beyond all measure, and He is our God! His face shines upon thee and He dances over us. He defends us, He tempers us, He tests us, He refreshes us, He builds us up, He hides us in His hand, He protects us from our enemies and delivers us from evil, and He is our God! He meets our every need. He looks for us in the morning, He longs to fellowship with us, He seeks to be our all in all, He warns us of coming trouble, He sends His angels to guard us and His spirit to guide us, He hears our cries, He wipes our tears, and He is our God! He forgives our sins, He sees beyond our failures, His grace is limitless, and His mercy abounds. He takes our guilt and covers our shame, He restores our soul, He makes us whole, and He is our God!

We run and hide, we disobey, we’re busy beyond all measure, we go to and fro, we make promises we can't keep, we break rules without fear, we satisfy ourselves in every way, we seek our own, we give in to temptation and live in frustration, and He is our God! We amass worldly goods, we seek out our toys, we avoid the weak, defend the strong, pacify the poor, keep our hope to ourselves, and yet He is our God! We are selfish, jealous, and spiteful and hard; we deny our sin and go back for more; we seek to be accepted by those who would use us, while turning our backs on the one who loves us; we live for today as if we have tomorrow, and still He is our God! We strive for our own; hang on to our sin; we wallow in shame; we are bound by guilt; we can't believe He loves us, yet hope that He does; we want to believe, yet the enemy deceives; we’re tired and weak, frustrated and lost; we’re wounded, we’re hurt, and yet He is still our God!

Daily Prayer: Father, help me to remember your love, to trust your salvation, to leave my guilt at your altar, and to seek you daily. Sometimes I don't know how to keep going, and at other times I feel like I've outrun you. Help me to remember that You are my God and that you will never leave nor forsake me, for without you I have no hope. Help me, Lord, to live in victory, to walk in humility, to be confident of my salvation, victorious over sin, compassionate to my fellow man, and to be in fellowship with you. Help me, Lord, to walk as one who knows that You are my God. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

"Since your walk is your talk, what are you saying?"

Pastor Gene Burroughs

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