Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 70 "Paralyzed by sin or freed by the blood of Jesus: we can decide."

Day 70

Matthew 9:1-2 So He got in a boat, crossed over, and came to His own city. Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you."

So, if I may, let me ask you a question. Do you think their faith was that Jesus could heal this man, or was their faith that He could forgive this man’s sins? After all, they brought a paralyzed man to be healed; however, Jesus says to him, "your sins are forgiven you." What do the two have in common? You see, the obvious problem to mankind was that this man was physically paralyzed, that he needed to be healed. Yet Jesus sees that this man needs forgiveness, that without a spiritual healing he will not enter the kingdom of heaven, and He responds accordingly. Could it be that the two are directly correlated, that in some, if not many cases the afflictions of the physical body are directly correlated to the effects of sin? This man was paralyzed, unable to move, dependent upon others, a burden to many, a testimony as to the cruelty of this world. Yet now upon forgiveness, he is suddenly able to move, to be productive, able to bear a burden, no longer a hindrance, but now a help and a testimony to the power of God and His redemption. Is that cool or what?

A few years ago, at the first of two nights of worship, a couple came who were obviously in physical and spiritual bondage. The woman could hardly walk due to hip problems; her head was down, her face a sign of the obvious torment in her life. Her husband, likewise, was unkempt, disheveled looking, and very caught up in legalism and religious bondage. He would never pray for his family, as he felt unworthy and that a pastor must be the one praying for them and their needs. During the ministry time, the Lord prompted me to have this man lay hands on his wife and pray for a healing. (Unbeknown to them, the Lord had assured me He would heal her if her husband obeyed). After much prompting, the husband obeyed and prayed for his deliverance and his wife's healing. The woman left her cane at the altar and danced back and forth through the Church, obviously healed of her affliction. Over a year later, I ran into this couple and hardly recognized them: they were dressed very nicely, they were very happy, and generally a completely transformed couple, more in love with Jesus and each other than ever before. These people are now a testimony to the goodness of God as opposed to a testimony to the harshness of the world; all because they are no longer paralyzed, in their case, by legalism.

How about you or someone you know? Are you so paralyzed by sin or tradition that you're unable to truly serve God and be a testimony of His faithfulness? Shake off the fear! Let God cleanse you of your guilt, and let God set you free to be all you can be for the kingdom and for those who love you, including yourself.

Daily Prayer: Father, if I am paralyzed by sin in any way, I pray now and ask you God to set me free. Release me of this bondage, and may you be glorified by the life I live for You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

"Paralyzed by sin or freed by the blood of Jesus: we can decide."

Pastor Gene Burroughs

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