Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's a beautiful day!

All day Monday I was plagued with a rather nagging question, "what am I allowing this cancer to steal from me?" While there were a number of thoughts there were two areas that I believe the Lord was speaking to me about and niether are easy to change, yet change them I will (with His help). The first is that I have allowed this to rob me of my joy, I found that I am not joyous about the season, nor about the new Church, as a matter of fact my joy has vanished, vanquished by this demonic disease. I realized that in some ways my fear of seeming to be calloused and unrealistic about Dawn's health and prognosis, was making it appear as if I didn't care or that I was in denial. However upon seeking the Lord I realized that those thoughts as well were from the pit of hell, for the opposite of guilt is freedom and freedom brings joy and we are to "trust in the Lord and be glad in Him". Therefore I am purposing in my heart to be joyous, to take great pleasure in knowing that "all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose"! The lord also reminded me of the visions and dreams that I had held for Shasta Lake, how that somehow they too had begun to fade in the shadow of this beast that has entered my home, oh how easily he can deceive. So today is a new day, as the sun rose this morning and illuminated a clear blue sky my reslove has returned, my passion is inflamed and my desire is stronger than ever, for my eyes are on my Lord and not on the circumstances surrounding me. If Gideon had not known beyond the shadow of doubt that God had sent him into battle he would have never taken on his foes, yet because he was confident in that call he was victorious in Christ, we have been called and we are confident in our God, it is time to do battle on our terms not His! You see again by looking at the circumstances all we see is what we can accomplish on our own and soon we will become hopeless for we truly are weak, yet by listening for Him, obeying and being confident in our call, believing not in what we see but rather what we know, victory becomes eminent and in that I take great Joy and comfort!


  1. Hi Gene, you quoted the verse we all know, "God works all things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." I challenge you to look it up and read it in context. The previous words in this passage are both powerful and greatly comforting. God knows your heart.

  2. How is Dawn? When does she start chemo, or has she already?

  3. You are facing the greatest battle of your lives but it is already won. Keep standing on God's word. We continue to pray for you and your family. Joy comes for me when I am thankful - look for the thanksgiving here and it is there. We will pray for joy, strength, courage, and discernment of the many voices in your head. We pray that the voices of the enemy will be deaffened by God's word. As your emotions, theology, temptations, pain, swirl around you be reminded that God's love for you is bigger. I appreciate your honesty in your blogs. What a great outlet. Praying that God ministers to you as you pour out your heart to Him. His face is turned to you.

  4. I have tears in my eyes as I read your post today. All week long I have been prompted by the spirit to pray for an indwelling of spiritual joy into your days. The Lord loves you all so much, He is moving to fill your every need and is walking through every moment with you. He hears all your prayers, understands your every fear and knows the depth of your love for Him. I will continue to let the Holy spirit direct my prayers for Dawn and your whole family.
    "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing,shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39.

  5. Our praise, our joy changes the atmosphere! Prophesy with the word, sing it and make it personal as David did. You have the power to change what is going on by your faith, by your praise. When Peter praised, the prison gates were opened. Let joy rise up. Don't let the enemy bring you down and rob your praise. Praise, praise until it fills your temple and your faith rises up to believe.
    If God be for you who can be against you! There are no limitations with our Lord. He is powerful and that same power lives inside of you!
    You are the offense. You have the ball. Don't let the Defense take it. You war from Victory. It is already won.
