Saturday, January 2, 2010

What lies ahead?

In Matthew chapter four Jesus is led into the wilderness by the Spirit, (by God) and there He fasts for fourty days. As the story goes once Jesus was at His weakest the enemy (satan) shows up to tempt Him. The goal of satan was to get Jesus to turn His back on God in order that His flesh would be satisfied. This morning when I woke up the Lord reminded me of this passage, and how Jesus ministry truly did not begin until He had triumped over His flesh and denied it completely. I was instantly shown a paralell between this incident and where we are today, you see there is not one single cell in my body that does not desire Dawn's complete and utter healing. Yet there is with equal passion not a single cell in my body that does not believe that we are exactly where we are supposed to be, going through what we are going through completely encased in the very hands that created the heavens, the earth, and all that is or ever will be! And since such is the case there is nothing that can or would cause me to jeopordize being released by those hands.
This passage in Matthew should cause every person in ministry to tremble with the anticipation of both the pain that comes before the fullness of ministry and the incredible joy that one finds in fulfilling thier ministry.
If this is our greatest trial (and so far it is), then possibly the greatest phase of our ministry is yet to come. Now I have to tell you (or maybe I don't) that up until now Dawn and I have been involved in some amazing ministry and if the fullness of it is now just beginning then what lies ahead is completely beyond my imagination!
I had a vision for someone today that I believe accentuates our journey even more so, therefore I have personalized it for us: I was holding on to a very large balloon, so large that it was capable of lifting Dawn and I off of the ground, however we had to decide whether we were to grab hold of it or not, yet we had no choice but to do so. As we rose above all we had known we faced a miriad of emotion, do we let go before we get any higher , do we chance the fall and healing from the ensuing wounds? Do we hold on tighter to see where this ride would take us? Once again the decision was no longer ours, we were far to high to let go, and all that was familiar had long since faded from sight, suddenly there was no more fear only anticipation, the wondering of where the journey would lead. No longer were we hanging on now we were in a gondola and our children had joined us, together we strained for a view, a glimpse of what lie ahead. So now we travel on, straining to see the future and knowing that wherever we land it will be a new adventure and that our God will be with us showing us the way!


  1. I love this entry. So true. Let's all grab our balloon and believe that the Lord delivered the balloon and is guiding the winds to direct it. - Cara O.

  2. Interesting...looking back can cause one to fear.
    I think I like this balloon ride!
