Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Like a tree planted by the water"

Yesterday as I was spending some time with the Lord a friend sent me a text message that read something like this: "I don't feel like I'm bearing fruit right now". As I prayed about how to respond I was reminded by the Spirit about what it takes for a tree to bear fruit. I also realized that I too was feeling a little dormant, even though to some it would not appear to be so. You see it is all too often that what we feel is what we see as opposed to the reality of what is actualy taking place, but that would be another story. Back to what the Lord was reminding me of, you see there are certain things that must take place for a tree to bear good fruit. First of all a tree must be planted in good soil. Soil that has been prepared drains well, and has nutrients in it to support life. Secondly a tree must be cared for, planted in the prepared soil, tended to by someone who loves it and knows enough about its needs to nurture for it. The tree must then be pruned, the branches trimmed to balance it, open it up to the light, and remove all of the non fruit bearing branches that take away nutrients and yet give nothing in return. Lastly before a tree can bear fruit it must lie in dormancy, you see the roots need to grow down and outward in order to support the growth we later see and most of that growth takes place during the dormant time. In other words while we may not be seeing fruit growing or signs of life the most important growth is actually taking place. It is only when all of these things have taken place that a tree can actualy bear good fruit. It seems to me that without a little dormancy we could all outgrow our roots and soon topple.
Right now in our lives, particularly Dawn's we feel very much like a tree in the heart of winter. While in our case there is some obvious fruit, the growth that cannot be seen and yet it is taking place, growth that will last eternaly. It is the kind of growth that is required for a life of ministry to reach beyond the temporary, able to withstand the storms that will come against it. You see the roots of a ministry must extend beyond what is seen in order to truly support it. The roots must be deeper than the tree is tall and wider that the tree's foliage then it will remain strong, able to withstand the test of time.
Each of us must be like that tree, our roots will determine our strength, not what people see, but what they don't see that is truly what is important. I thank God that Dawn is woman of deep roots, one who strong enough in her faith to withstand the trials she is facing. "Like a tree planted by the water" she will not be moved! Amen.