Thursday, May 22, 2014

WIde or Narrow?

“Choosing your own path is not a popular decision; however, this is not a contest.” “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matt. 7:13–14). Having been a believer since the age of seven, I must confess being a follower didn’t happen until my twenties. You see, that’s when I accepted the fact being a believer was a more difficult way. In order to maintain this walk, one truly must purpose to take the hard way—to take the step away from the popular accepted belief and choose to be different. In my younger days, I worked for many cattle ranchers, some very talented, others not so talented. The most experienced man I ever worked for had been ranching all of his life. He was at least a third-generation rancher, if not more. We would push large herds of cattle from private lower lands in the spring up to the higher public lands where better grass was growing. Along the way, we would find lead cows, ones others seemed to follow. Once we had them pinned up, we gathered those lead cows and placed bells on them. The bells would help us find the cows any time we desired, and as well, they served as a way of letting the other cattle know where the herd was headed. In the fall, we simply located the lead cattle (by the sound of the bells), and then we very slowly pushed them to where we wanted all of the cattle to gather. Sure enough, by the time we got to our corral (or gathering place), the majority of the herd had followed the bells and joined up with the others. When I read this passage, I am very much reminded of those lead cows and the sound of those bells ringing in my ears. Far too many people today have chosen to follow the pack, to listen for the latest buzzword or join the latest craze, and never even know what or whom they are supporting or following. Our lives are far too important and cherishable to allow others to determine what is right for us, especially if we haven’t even checked out the facts. The gate to death is wide because far too many will accept what others say without checking it out; they will, unfortunately, believe the media or a friend or accept an unfounded opinion. But those of us who choose to follow God, and are willing to be persecuted for it, will walk a lonely road. We’re not here for the fire insurance. We’re here because we believe, because we’re convicted and committed, because we have no choice, for the truth is engraved upon our hearts. That’s why I’m here. How about you? Anyone hear bells? † Father, give us eyes to see and ears to hear that we may not be deceived, that we might not be pleasers of men but rather pleasers of You Oh, God. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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