Thursday, May 6, 2010

Think Bigger

“Think Bigger”

Over the past few days our family has been gathering to say their goodbyes, pay their respects, and to somehow begin the process of closure each in their own way. During this time Dawn as well has been closing this chapter in her life, while starting a new one in her next. For over three weeks she has been taking tours of heaven with Jesus, as if He were introducing her to her new home, getting her acclimated to her new surroundings. She tells of many things she has seen, the beauty of the city, the peacefulness of the surroundings, and the joy that her heart feels when she is there. As she began her journey she would desire to return and the Lord would graciously allow her to rejoin us, always inviting her back at her choosing. Some day’s she would choose not to visit but rather to stay with us, other days she would be anxious to Know more, and off she would go to take one of her ever increasing in length adventures with her savior. As she revealed the secrets of heaven to me there became an ever present statement that the Lord would leave her with, “Think bigger Dawn, think bigger”. She tells me now, when possible that is, that no matter how large she would allow her imagination to become Jesus would always tell her “Think bigger”. Each passing day Dawn spends a little more time in heaven and a lot less time here with us. It appears that she has become more comfortable with her new home than her old, and she is about to move in.

When I reflect upon this process I cannot help but think once again about the graciousness and faithfulness of our Lord. He has allowed Dawn, her family and friends months of time to catch up, say their goodbyes, receive her counsel, and each in our own way to prepare for her journey. And now He is preparing her for where she will be going, He has allowed her to live with one foot in this world and one in heaven, gradually drawing her in to her final place of eternal life, her new home. This my friends is the God of all creation, the one many blame for far too many things that we have caused, the God who allows us to choose our eternal resting place, the God who loves not just us but our families and friends as well, even those who may not believe that He exists. I could never say or do enough to thank the Lord for the 36 years that Dawn and I have known each other and the 31 plus years spent as husband and wife. Yet as much as I love her, as much as we are one, through it all I see that He loves her so much more than I, you see He is teaching me to think bigger as well. Not bigger events, not bigger gatherings, not bigger ideas, not bigger anything here on this earth except bigger love, and bigger in terms of Him. No matter how much we attempt to imagine the depths of His love, His grace, His mercy, His compassion, or any other aspect of God we must always think bigger, wow!

Yesterday I was sitting with Dawn in our room, she was visiting her new home, I of course was in our present one, as my heart was aching over the loss of our ability to communicate, to hold one another, or just walk together I was being reminded of our coming separation. The pain I felt was so intense, so painful, that to dwell upon it brought no good thought or reaction simply suffering such as I have never known. However in the next room I could hear the joys and laughter of our children and grandchildren as they played and spent time together, such joy, such expression of love for one another, and yes in the midst of chaos great peace. As I reflected upon this moment, my feelings, and our lives, I could not help but wonder, “Is this a view of what each of us will see for eternity?” Will those who have chosen to deny Jesus as the Christ the Son of the living God spend their eternal lives suffering as I have for just a moment the pain of separation, the ache without end? Will those of us who do believe spend our eternal existence in a place of child like laughter, joy, and love? Yes I do believe that to a certain degree this too must be true, only even now I must “Think Bigger”.

Gene Burroughs


  1. This was read through tears. I love you, my dear brother. In a way I'm envious of Dawn because she is so close to heaven but I'm really hurting for you and your girls, my friend. I'm asking the Holy Spirit to continue to bring comfort and strength to you and your family.

  2. God is sure amazing. To allow her to be at peace in two places at once. We are still praying and love you very much.

  3. Think Bigger...Dawn touches so many lives. So many people (Kids!) know Him because of her serving Him. We will probably never know this side of heaven how many people will be in the Kingdom because of a seed that Dawn was faithful to plant..."think bigger"!!!

  4. Gene, I truly,truly want to thank you for sharing all this with us. I can't tell you how much you and your family has ministred to my heart through all this. How what an honor it is to know Dawn. She is so beautiful. Still praying my friend. To God be the glory! Love you guys

  5. Praise The Lord! He is greatly to be Praised! For Dawn this is a time when she can share with those she loves just how great He really is. This is something that some will never get to experiece, and some will never know; that God is Great and Greatly to be Praised!!!

  6. Gene, I too read this through tears. Thank you for taking the time to let us all know what's happening. I love you both very much, you both have been a big part of my "walk" with Christ.
    May God Bless. With much Love Rich

  7. We studied this passage this morning and I thought it appropriate for your family, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:3-4. You 2 have been used mightily for God's kingdom in ways you can't imagine and I pray you will see the fruit of your and Dawn's labors in the days ahead. God has moved mightily through you & Dawn & He will continue to move through you in the future. Her legacy lives on through many people, family & friends. We love you guys and are praying for you and share in your joys and in your sorrows.
