Monday, May 17, 2010

Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus

There is a very simple song written by Fernando Ortega and recorded by many that has the best four word chorus anyone could ever ask for; “Give me Jesus”. The version I enjoy most was recorded by Vince Gill. The biggest challenge of this song however is to get through it without weeping profusely, which I might add I have rarely if ever been able to accomplish. A few mornings ago Dawn and I had one of those extra special opportunities to spend a quiet moment together prior to the waking of the remainder of our household. Being fully aware that these opportunities may soon be gone and now unable to converse with Dawn I chose to play Vince’s version of the song over Dawn. As I sat there listening to the words and thinking of our many years shared in service to the Lord, (crying of course) a particular line of the song struck me as it never had before. While I’m convinced that Fernando had an understanding of the depth of this phrase (after all he wrote it), I’m equally convinced that most people are unable to, simply because they have never truly needed to. In this phrase he writes; “you may have all of this world, just give me Jesus”. You see this statement can easily be accepted with the simplicity of which it was written, however when you truly have had all this world can offer, and have come to the end of days, it is only then that you truly do understand how little this world can give. You see Dawn has been diagnosed, she has received all of the treatments, there is nothing else that this world can offer her, I, our children, or anyone else that will take away the pain of our impending loss, her gain. The world had its chance with Dawn, in this life it offered her despair, trials, pain, and eventually sickness unto death. Yet in its attempt to utterly destroy her she has become victorious, she found hope, joy, salvation, love, and so much more! She found along her way a savior, a promise for the future. She defied the world, she beat the odds, and she shared this Jesus with everyone she met, Dawn has given her all and now she will follow the lead of her savior and defeat the world one final time! She will reap the rewards that the world cannot give, healing for an eternity, a crown of jewels, a reward fit for a queen, all that the world could not give she will soon receive! All heaven awaits the arrival of this well known servant of the King and surely she will hear Him say “Well done thou good and faithful servant”. If there is one message I would choose to pass along to all who read these words it would be this: the trials, tribulations, troubles and despair that you have experienced in this life are all the world truly has to offer, and nothing more! Oh you may think that there is more, sure you may enjoy sports, family, and so much more, all of which I too enjoy. But one the one thing you can never have without Jesus is the most important of all, eternal peace. This peace cannot be purchased, it cannot be earned, it cannot be found in any other way, it can only be found by believing that Jesus is the son of God and by choosing to allow Him to be Lord of your life. “You may have all of this world, just give me Jesus”!

Gene Burroughs

PS Dawn is unresponsive these days, her pain level is rather high and the slightest movement causes her great pain and frustration. There will soon be a day when her healing is complete; either here or in heaven she will be healed. This healing will come by His hand and in His time, and as my children and I have talked at length about it will be ultimately the very best because after all He wants what is best for all of us, even those who deny Him.


  1. Wow can I say Wow. Isn't God so amazing to send so many servants to give us words of wisdom, comfort and direction for our life. God knew we could not do this alone. So sometimes when your feeling down you can turn to some Keith Green songs that just boost you or a friend that can give you Godly insight into your worldly situation and reading Gods word. If you pray daily he can also give you direction as to where to read that day in the Bible. God is so unique in how he talks to everyone in their own way so they understand and truly know that it is Him.

  2. Gene, your words are the most encouraging words. I know I need these words more and more every day!
    God Bless you and your family. He has blessed us with Dawn!

  3. God Bless You Gene... You inspire me everyday and my heart is breaking for your family. I can see the pain and sadness everytime I see your sister Donna, so I give her the extra hug she truly needs because her heart is with her brother who she loves very much and beautiful Dawn and the girls. I pray the Dawn will find comfort soon and be with her savior. My prayers and thoughts as always be with you family..

  4. beautiful.
    thanks for writing, Cara Osborne

  5. Oh, Gene...what a timely and pertinent message. I am grateful for all that God is doing for you and through you in this trial. You see through spiritual eyes! I love you and Dawn so much! Ann V.

  6. Gene,
    I do not believe you would have the insight that you do without knowing our Lord and Savior. Your words and thoughts are so relevant to every situation and I am convinced that Holy Spirit guides each and every writing. Thank you for sharing this painful experience, Thank You for allowing us a peak into a true relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for your faithfulness even when you don't know why. Lord have Mercy on Dawn allow you great comforter to surround her family and give them the strength to continue to serve you.

  7. Gene....Mike & I talk regarding you and the family and what you must be going through. I wish I could say "I feel your pain", but how can I? Unless I am YOU, I cannot fathom the pain, tears, joy, memories, faith, have gone through with Dawn's illness. I pray peace for your family and for Dawn, pain-free days and nights for her, and grace for your entire family. Dawn has touched us all in one way or another and I want you to know that we have 'watched' your faith in our Savior grow to new heights through this journey. I hope you know how much you have touched our lives and that of each of our children through your ministries and your effortless trust in Him. We love you so much and wish we could just wrap our arms around you and help you bear the weight of daily watching Dawn's fight and standing strong for your girls. You are so much stronger than you knew....He is with you and so are we....We love you guys.
    Mike & Celia

  8. Fernando Ortega has a few songs/lyrics that enrich my soul. Jesus- nothing more, nothing less, all I need, all I want. I pray you keep receiving more and more enrichment from Dad and pour it out till everyone around you is soaked. ahh, I miss you guys, and love you tons.
