Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Honest Answer

My Honest Answer
I awoke this morning as I do most now pondering the events of the previous day and considering what this day may hold in store; what new challenges will we face, will there be any victories? Yesterday a dear friend and relative asked me how I was doing, and how I was getting through this. I can honestly say I was not able to give him a quick canned or spiritually motivated biblically referenced answer; it’s not that I didn’t have one; it is rather that my friend wanted to know honestly how I was getting through this. I think that all too often we as believers (me included) have been quick to quote passages or quotes we picked up somewhere in order to in all honesty mask the pain that we were truly feeling. When in reality we are human flesh first and believers second, and the further reality is that sometimes we truly are in pain, or are hurting, and yet we are not completely honest for one reason or another. Therefore in the spirit of complete and open honesty I would like to share with whoever reads this exactly how I am feeling, and how I am coping with the probable loss of my wife of 31+ years, the mother of my three children, my best friend, the most Godly and supportive person I have ever met, and my partner in ministry and in life, the only person who truly knows and understands me. First of all I am angry that it is happening, not at God, or at man, I am angry that because of the fall of mankind this pain can and is inflicted upon people every day. I am disappointed in myself for ever neglecting to understand how much pain others have suffered when their loved ones have gone on. I am hurting for my children, this is not a road that they should be required to travel, their pain is real and they are still very young to be losing their mother, (even Katie), and even though we have been completely honest and open the reality of this loss will continue for their lifetime. I am confident however that will be able to grow from this, that if their mother does pass they truly will be able to heal, and eventually increase their faith as a result. I am fearful of what the future may hold; will we have a home, will I be able to provide adequately for them, can I get and stay healthy, and so on and so on. And then I am reminded,” My God is Faithful”, I don’t work for man I serve Him, He is the God who has provided for all of our needs, He has taken these vessels formed from dirt and made them whole and complete, and He promises in His word that He “will never leave nor forsake us” and He has never done so. You ask me how do I have the strength to get through this, the strength to face the future, may I boldly say in all honesty, “I lift my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2). No really I am being honest now, I am not mad at God, I am not calloused, I am not happy, I am fearful, I am concerned, I am weak and unable to face this challenge on my own, I am full of so many emotions that I cannot describe them all, but I know beyond all doubt where my strength is coming from!
The question I have in my mind now however is this; “how does anyone face such pain, sorrow, loss, fear, and anguish, without the help of the God who not only made them but also made heaven and earth? This is the question I cannot answer with any honesty, insight, or understanding. Please hear me when I say I would never judge those who do not have this faith and I am truly sorry for ever doing so. However I don’t know how they can do it, you see if I look at my honest response, and remove faith and hope from my answer then all I see is darkness and despair and if belief in God does nothing more than help one cope with such darkness and despair upon this earth then isn’t it worth the effort. Is it not worth looking in to, it cost us nothing, there is little required of us, we don’t even have to go to Church, all we need do is believe, I wonder is it really that difficult to do so? I honestly don’t know dear friends, I have believed so long I cannot imagine what it is like not to, I only know that my strength comes from the Lord and my only disappointment is in the enemies ability to sell the lie to so many. Please don’t buy it from him, he is the greatest liar and con-man of all time, he has sold many on the idea of blaming God for the failures of man, and he can offer nothing but despair and hopelessness in return. And that my friend is my utmost and honest opinion!
Today the Hospice nurse will be coming to our home, she feels she can actually help Dawn to improve somewhat, we are hopeful and praying. Also please remember to pray for Jeff and Shauna Halls newborn babies, Autumn and Aria they were born pre-mature and have some serious health issues and we ask that the Lord heal them and bring them home to mommy and daddy.
Gene Burroughs


  1. Lets all rise above despair and hoplessness, and Lord please do heal and bring those babies home to the parents you have given them to. Praying for a Miracle for Dawn today, peace and rest in their family.

  2. Thank you Gene for sharing, for loving, for being vulnerable. I am undone in this situation in a good way...humility, weakness and yet more dependence on Jesus...He does hear and answer prayers. And so, I lift up all your beautiful girls to The Comforter believing with you for Healing, the Truth, and the Peace for them all. May the face of Jesus and His presence in the secret place be for you a richness beyond any experience.

  3. Thank you so much for taking off the mask and being real with all who read this. We love you all so much and when your hurting we're hurting right a long with you. None of us have the answers to the why but I do know your Christian family wants to hold you all and be there for you. You and Dawn have given out so much and have touched so many lives...That I know for me personally I wish I could pray it all away. I don't stop believing and praying because I do believe we serve a God who is ABLE, even in the eleventh hour. I still remember our first Kids camp at Lassen pines and how the Holy Spirit poured out of you and Dawn...She was singing with the puppets..."I know where I'm going...Do you want to come too!" The kids responded radically because of two faithful servants. So my friends we are here when you need us 24/7. Its our turn to bless you and continue to storm the gates of Heaven with prayer for your family. Peace to you all and much love.

  4. You are a truley uncommon man of God! Thank you!

  5. Gene, I have been praying for Dawn, for you, and for your girls. I have stayed in touch with a few friends who could give me updates. My heart has been broken. I thank God for your honesty and willingness to tell the story. God has been glorified, is being glorified, and will be love to all of you. May God continue to pour out His mercy and grace and comfort. I see you each in the palms of His great hands.

    Emily Lopez

  6. Gene, my prayers are with Dawn, with you and with your girls. I pray many times every day. We know what a Powerful God we serve, we know he is the deliverer. I pray for strength, comfort and understanding. I pray for peace.
    Love Kandi

  7. Thank you for the blessing. May you and Dawn be blessed in return.
    Lori Moretti

  8. Our God is powerful, He can do anything.
    I pray for comfort for Dawn, you and the girls. I pray for understanding through this very difficult time. As I was reading I too was thinking where would our hope be with Him? I don't ever want to know...
    God Bless all of you!

  9. For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God? It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of the deer, and sets me on my high places...Psalm 18:31-33

    When there is chaos in our lives, whether illness, pain, confusion or uncertainty, God upholds us, like the lighthouse in a storm. He gives us the strength to stand while all else is in when the storm finally subsides, we are able to rest and let God heal the wounds. I'm with you Gene, I don't know how people without a relationship with Jesus cope...I suspect that they aren't able to very well, and that's why there's so much drug & alcohol abuse, violence and unhappiness in the world.

    My heart aches for you and Dawn and the girls. You are in my prayers...may Jesus continue to fill you all with a mighty love and compassion for each other and to bless your family with strength that will be like a magnet to the Lord for all of those who don't know Him....Carolyn
