Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Battle Rages On

I awoke this morning reflecting on a series of events that have taken place over of the past few weeks. Strangely enough it seemed to begin after what I and many others who were present considered one of the most Spirit Filled Church services in a number of years. You would think that services such as this one (and many similar that have followed), would bolster people and cause them to make the extra effort to fellowship with the brethren. The result in fact was not something I had given much thought to, or had really considered, the result was a fiercer attack from our oppressor. The ensuing attack has caused some to stumble, some to doubt, and possibly even some to fall. Those who have persevered  in fellowship through this battle are becoming stronger and more faithful yet not without cost. I am watching as the faithful in Christ are being sidelined with health issues, marital issues, challenges with their children, issues of pride and addiction,and so much more. Yet in the midst of it all there are those who are becoming stronger in Christ, those who “Press on toward the goal”, those who seem able to defy the circumstances and press in to God, those who are still fighting the good fight.
 You see anytime the enemy hears of people becoming stronger in Christ, when he hears of the miraculous being done, when he sees people becoming faithful, when we get his attention he does all he can to thwart our confidence. The enemy of our souls is truly aware when the Lord allows blessings, and activities that glorify His name, and satan of course does not like it, why would he? It has become ever so apparent to me that we truly must expect trials and attacks at ever y turn of the road, with every waking moment we must be watchful, we must stand strong, we must pray!
 When Dawn was first diagnosed with cancer the Lord was very specific in His words to me, He called me to fight, He called me to stand, He called me to persevere. Since that day He has not relented in His calling, He reminds me often that I must stand and fight, I must fight against the evil that seeks to destroy me, my family, and my flock. Our family has persevered through what I would dare say is one of the most difficult things a family could face (I know there are worse things), and by doing so we are learning what it takes to do so. If I could bottle up and prescribe the cure I would, but that cannot be done, for it is not one thing that we must do to survive, no it is many, but it begins with one: we must “purpose to be faithful in every thing on every day”. If I awaken today and forget who I am and whom I serve then the chances are I will bounce through this day tossed to and fro by the challenges and issues that come my way, every decision based upon my response. Yet if I awaken with purpose and calling, reminding myself of who I am and what I am called to do then every challenge is faced with prayer and dependence on the Lord and in that I cannot fail. When you come to a place of such great loss and pain as we have this year there are very few days that you choose to face on your own, and even fewer that you do, you see you learn quickly form pain to stop and refocus, to regain control.
    We must not forget that we are in a battle, one that is not only for our lives but for the lives of all those we know and have yet to meet. This battle rages on whether we decide to participate in it or not, you see when we accepted Christ we entered the war (if not before). Hence whether we recognize it or not, whether we like it or not we must prepare ourselves for battle, we must fellowship, pray, and study the word, these are the weapons of our warfare. For if we choose to lie down, or remain behind the lines we will be slowly and systematically returned to our former selves as the enemy of our soul slowly strips away at us creating calluses on  our hearts and in our minds. Lies will become truths, pain will become scars, anger will lead us, and fear will grip us, such are the fruits of no labor. For those who persevere there is strength, there is faith, there is hope, and yes even joy, and in the midst of the war we recognize we fight from the place of victory with no fear of defeat, yet still “The battle rages on.”

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