Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Abled or Disabled

Earlier today I was sitting in a local parking lot finishing a very enjoyable conversation about the things of God when I observed something that truly gave me a revelation form the Lord. You know how it is when you view a happening that perhaps you have see a dozen times before and suddenly a word picture comes to life that forever changes your view. I was parked adjacent to the two center Handi-Capped Parking spaces when a young man in small compact car pulled up to the only unoccupied of the two spaces. He was obviously nervous and I immediately assumed that he was going to ignore the markings and park where he shouldn’t, it was actually quite puzzling because there were numerous spaces just two cars away. However as I usually am when I assume things I was wrong, he produced a Handi-cap placard and placed it upon his dash as he leapt out of the car, it was as if placing the placard was an afterthought. It was also immediately obvious this was a perfectly healthy nineteen to twenty year old youth who had no need of specialty parking. My first response was one of frustration and indignation, however as I finished my call and began to reflect upon what I had seen the Holy Spirit began to reveal quite clearly the spiritual implication of what I had just witnessed. This vision was both a warning as well as an encouragement, the Lord was showing me what to avoid as well as how to lead. You see this young man had purposed in his heart to take something that he was not entitled to, he had purposed in his heart to deceive! And while this is no great revelation but rather an amazingly simple observation let us look further into the implications. By partaking of a benefit that is rightfully reserved for those who are disabled, suffering, or in need of such benefits this young man denied another person of their pleasure, or convenience, he had denied others of their blessing that was reserved just for them. Could it be that just as things are on this earth that there are consequences for this action, a penalty to be paid in the spirit realm? Is it possible that this young man has now somehow chosen his destiny? Could it be that by choosing to receive the benefits of being disabled that he has now somehow allowed or invited that very disability upon himself? Now don’t get me wrong I’m not attempting to start a new theology or get freaky on you but one thing is for certain, there were and will be consequences when people choose to deny others of their rightful blessing when they themselves have no need of it, they do so only because they are selfish and desire to please themselves. If the church in America or anywhere in the world for this matter, (of which we are members) chooses to partake of such activity how then are we to change our world? How then can we “Let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven?” If we as believers are parking in the disabled spots of the Church when we truly have no need of them (I’m not speaking of the parking lot mind you) how then will those in need receive their rightful blessing? I believe with all of my heart that far too many believers have chosen for themselves to play a role unintended for them and have consequently become those in need as opposed to becoming victorious. If we by our actions purpose to become and or act as disabled believers why then are we surprised when we see so many believers failing, broken, and falling back in to a life of temptation? It is high time that we stop playing or living in roles unintended for us and walk in the victory that Christ by His sacrifice has provided for us. May I finish with this thought; if I see that you are about to walk over a cliff and I neglect to warn you out of fear of offending you how have I blessed you? As you are falling toward your imminent death will you thank me for not offending you, or will you curse me for not loving you enough to warn you?
Tomorrow is the last day of this session of Dawn’s chemotherapy, praise the Lord! She is not doing very well, she is rather weak and her asthma is not letting up, but she still has her smile. I personally believe that her asthma is directly related to the stress we are being subjected too much by the scheming of the enemy of our soul. Over the last two days the issue with Michaela’s incident at school has reared its ugly head once again. I truly do not wish to go in to detail because to do so would continue to harm others, some of which are truly innocent. I do wish however to clarify some things, the backpack and gift card came from a cousin and his wife in Napa who dearly love the Lord and chose to bless Michaela, as they did. The tuition came from an anonymous donor who will remain nameless; apparently my wording in former blogs could mislead readers to believe that these came from some of the children and or parents involved in this unfortunate set of happenings which is not the case. I would also appreciate your prayers as I negotiate my way through this mine field of emotion, while I am a gentle man I do not sit passively by when I think my family is being wronged and mistreated. However that is no excuse for neglecting to pray for all involved, and submitting to the Lord’s restorative will, not that I have but I covet your prayers for helping me not to do so

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