Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We walk by Faith

We walk by Faith

As my family and I have been going through this most difficult challenge there have been a number of things that have caused me to truly desire to dig deeper, to know more, to find the answer so to speak. One that sticks out, that I seem to be daily reminded of is faith, or our example of it. While I truly do not desire to sound over confident, or haughty in any way I must admit I am a little surprised at how often people comment on our example of faith. It is as if it was something abnormal, or exceptional, something unexpected for a believer in a trial such as this, and in fact, I guess it is. But why I ask? Why is it that because we desire to be faithful, to trust God in the midst of our battle (as if we had a choice) we are singled out as being exceptional? As I ponder this question a rather obvious answer or response comes to mind, “people really don’t know do they?” You see it has only recently become obvious to us that there are a number of things that do to our situation are absolutely necessary however for those who are observing from the outside those truths are not even evident. Confusing, yes I can see why, maybe I can shed a little more light on what I am attempting to say. For example, when we get up to face the day one thing that is extremely evident in Dawn is that without God she will not survive. The very fact that we are daily reminded of this causes us to do all we can to draw closer to our only hope, our God! You see the answer is not result of conscious effort or supreme spirituality; it is simply the reality of the fact that we have no hope without Him.
Another truth, “without the strength of the Lord and the power of His might we will not get through the day ourselves”. You see we know that we do not have the strength to face the trial, why because we are never away from it, and that alone causes us to realize how powerless and tired we truly are. The answer; “hang on to our strength” the lord or fall apart. Again, if we step out in our own, we fail, we fall, and we are fatigued by the strain of it all. However if we truly do hang on to Him and allow Him to be our strength we not only get by, we get stronger, no matter how little sense it makes.
One last truth is “that without faith we have nothing left, we are done, and all of this is for not”. You see our faith is not just the belief that God can heal Dawn; no it is the belief that he will never leave nor forsake us. That He is the one true God, the great I Am, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the one who paid the price for our lives by giving His Son Jesus as payment for our errors. That this God of which I speak is my God, that He cares for me, and about me, that He will not give us more than we can handle!
This is the same God who is bound by His word, bound by His promises, most of which tell of what He will do for all mankind, and none which speak of His will for Himself! You see we are not walking in so much a faith that is exceptional, no this is a faith that is necessary, a faith that only those who need it can receive, for they are the only ones who see the need. I pray that all believers would walk in the truth of the word, in the promises of God, for if they did faith truly would be, ”the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen” Hebrews 11:1.


  1. utter dependence on Jesus. love it. love you guys

  2. like the disciples said after Jesus gave a hard teaching and asked if they were leaving to, "to whom else can we go? You have the words of life..." indeed, what other choice do we have? Cling to Jesus... shrivel and die. :) tough choice?

  3. so true brother, praying hard luv u guys

  4. When we are emptied of ourselves, He remains. He is sovereign, He is faithful, He is sufficient.
