Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 172 "If I seek and pray, I have a say."

Day 172 Matthew 21:10-11 And when He had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, “Who is this?” So the multitudes said, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.” Verse 10 tells us that "… all the city was moved" by Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem; after all, He was surrounded by people singing psalms and waving branches; however, the people of Jerusalem, remember, did not know who He was. Why is this so significant? In reality, there is only one way that the religious leaders could not know who Jesus was and that is that God did not allow them to (Luke 19:42). Oh yes, they were more than willing to ignore the fact that Jesus arrived exactly at the time Daniel prophesied He would in Daniel 9:25-26, not to mention the fact that He arrived during the Passover. Remember that the first Passover took place in Egypt, and the people were saved by placing the blood of the lamb over their doorpost and lintels. Jesus is the lamb, as well, and soon He would be shedding His blood as the sacrifice for all–the ultimate Passover. However, again, we must remember that the Lord allowed them not to see in order that His will would be accomplished. No matter how foolish we may think these people were for not realizing what was going on, we must remember not to judge them for it; something that is truly not easy, especially when you are in Israel. Why do I bring up this point? Soon, our Nation will be faced with the decision of choosing a new President. The tendency for some is to cry wolf and fear the consequences of having a leader who is very liberal with questionable moral convictions, rather than one with solid conservative beliefs. Now, before you get defensive, let me make very clear the point that I am not using this as a political forum, nor will I. The point is that we are called to make Godly, informed, Spirit-led decisions as believers, which can only be done through prayer and time with the Lord. Then, if things turn out differently than you had hoped or prayed, you continue to pray, and you trust that God is in control, that His will is being done, and that He has your eternal best interest at heart. If the religious leaders had accepted Christ as the savior, if they had acknowledged who He was, the outcome would truly have been much different than it was, and I dare say not so well for us Gentiles. So, the point for us is, again, to pray for wisdom, pray for direction, and make solid moral decisions based upon the Word of God, all the while trusting that our God is ultimately in control. By the way, isn't this the way we should live our lives every day? Daily Prayer: Father, I ask that Your will would be done in my life every day, that Lord, You would direct our Nation and our world, and help me to trust that ultimately everything truly is under Your control. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. "If I seek and pray, I have a say." Pastor Gene Burroughs

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