Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 27

Day 27

Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. For theirs is the Kingdom of heaven."

Held in reverence are those who are harassed, chastened, harmed, and suffer because they have chosen to stand fast for what they believe. As the result, that which belongs to them is the realm in which God's will is fulfilled: a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God.

I don't know about you, but when I look at the literal meaning of the words in this passage, I suddenly not only feel empowered to do just that, I also see why things have been and can be so rough. Is it not true that the closer we get to God and the more obedient we are, the more intense the attacks become? Why not? If you are the enemy of good, what does evil do when it sees good begin to prosper? It fights it, of course.

Last year was our first spring on this property. The former owners had sprayed the property with a chemical that had completely killed every form of grass in the pasture; our land was a barren waste with virtually nothing growing. My intent and hope was that if I let the land go this first spring, life would return, and grass would once again begin to grow, and grow it did. We had every form of grass and weed to a depth of three feet in our pasture. The kids were frolicking in it, and the horses were partaking of the bounty. However, as the grass began to grow, I soon noticed thistles thriving in and among them. The animals and the children began giving them a wide berth, and soon the only thing visible were thistles: no grass, no children, and no horses. The beauty of my pasture had been replaced with the ugliness of thorns and thistles. Had I been aware of the seeds and roots in the ground, I would have fought them, yet once they began to grow it was too late, and soon they had taken over.

The enemy knows that if he can harass us long enough, he, too, may have the field to himself. He knows that if he gives up because we are in a good place with God, his chances of getting us back are greatly diminished. Therefore, he fights and does so unfairly: he claws, he scratches and bites, and lies hidden in wait because for him it is a desperate fight for survival. All too often we forget about the fight, and for us the fight becomes a neglected or forgotten one. Now that I know the seeds are in place and the roots are there for the thistle to grow in my pasture, I am also aware that this is going to be a long, hard battle, one that may take years to win. It takes time and effort to remove thistle from a pasture, just like it takes time and constant battling to remove evil from our hearts, from its influence in our lives.

Remember the promise, acknowledge the battle, recognize your foe, and lean on the strength of your God, above all, keeping your eyes on the prize!

Daily Prayer: Father, helps us Lord not to get discouraged when the enemy comes at us, especially at those times when we feel particularly close to you; remind us Father of the blessing and reward to come. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

"Water the thorns in your life with the Word, and watch them die."

Gene Burroughs, Servant

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