Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 22

Day 22

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Let us first of all remember that to be blessed is “to have divine joy," so what Jesus is saying is that those who are meek will have divine joy. So, who are the meek? In this case, according to the Strong's Concordance, it is those who “wholly rely on God rather than their own strength to defend themselves against injustices.” It also describes meekness as accepting His dealings with us as good; therefore, trusting that He is in complete control of all circumstances.

Reading this has me wondering, how many times have I, in my own flesh and unrighteousness, unknowingly yet openly complained about the things going on in my life, when the very one orchestrating those events was the God I serve? What if, as the Word says, He was allowing me to experience trials to make me stronger and more dependent on Him? Therefore, in order to have divine joy is to trust that He is in control, that He will see I am vindicated, provided for, and given new land, as long as I seek to serve, love, and obey Him. The promise here is amazing! It is a promise of peace as well as a new land, a new earth, and a kingdom, yet God has no need to promise anything. He could have just as easily said trust me, be happy, or die, yet He chooses instead to bless and promise even more blessings. Through my time of caring for and the eventual passing of my wife, I had many questions of God, but one question never took root, “What about me?” The enemy tried with all his might to make it about poor me: he desired to hold many pity parties in my presence, yet that was never my desire. Why, you ask? Because it never has been or never should be about us as individuals, our needs, or wants–our lives should be about His will.

I know someone who is never happy. She is constantly complaining about the people who have or have attempted to take advantage of her. To hear her tell it, everyone is out to get her, and if she wasn't on her toes, they would. So, her claim to fame is her vindication; however, she is rarely ever happy. This person has no divine joy, only misery: she never has anything good to say, yet rarely ceases speaking, like an old smokestack, constantly polluting the environment around her. She is more often avoided than sought after, true friends are a rarity, and her health is forever failing. Her name is discontentment, and her goal is to spread her pain. Do you know her? Perhaps you have taken her in–she is no friend. Let me encourage you today to trust in the one who made you, to allow Him to be your guard, your defender, and your redeemer, and peace will be your friend.

Daily Prayer: Father, teach us to have divine joy in all situations, to be content when challenged, and to be confident that you are in control of our circumstances. May we never complain when discontentment comes to our door, but rather deny it the food it needs to survive.

"God doesn't need our help, but we can't please Him without it."

Pastor Gene Burroughs

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