Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WHo is this Jesus day 3

Day Three

Matthew 1: 22- 23
22 So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
In Isaiah 7:14 the people are told that God will give them a sign in order that they may know that the one born would be the "Son of God" this child would be born of a virgin and "His name shall be Immanuel". Now here's the thing, there are no documented or recorded occurrences other than that of Mary where a virgin has given birth to a child named Immanuel. This very fact alone should be enough to cause some to wonder," could it be that this Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah"? Yet most did not wonder, nor did they care, they went about their daily duties completely missing out on the greatest blessing ever presented to mankind. Every day each and every one of us are faced with incredible and often unseen opportunities to experience the blessings, and glory of our God, yet more often than not we are to busy or too preoccupied to even know it. We go about our daily routine caught in the rut of existence never looking up to see what is going on around us. In recent days there have been a number of people I am fellowshipping with who have purposed to seek the Lord ever more diligently in their daily existence. Rather than doing things the way they always have they are instead asking the Lord what He would have them do, and wow is it having an impact. One brother wanted a Magnolia tree for his yard, yet rather than just making the purchase he asked the Lord what He would have him do, that night the neighbor gave him a Magnolia tree with no prompting or knowledge of the desire. Another sister at the prompting and with the assistance of her younger siblings took a Bible and the leftovers usually left in the fridge to die a slow death and went in search of someone who had need. That evening her and they were able to bless a woman who had been asking the Lord for a Bible. All they did was stop as they drove by because they felt prompted to do so by the Lord. Later they were able to bless a street couple with a home cooked meal, and yes you guessed it that was exactly what they were in need of. Another brother washed a young mans windshield simply because the Lord led him to and in the process he shared the love of God by his actions as well as by his later words of encouragement. You see sometimes we just need to ask the Lord what He would have us do rather than assuming that we need do things the way we always have, you never know He may just have something He wants to say, like there's a messiah coming, anyone care?

Daily Prayer: Father may we always be ready to here Your voice, may we wait upon You and obey your promptings in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

"Old and mundane or fresh and new either one will get us there but only has clean ears"

Gene Burroughs Servant

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