Sunday, April 13, 2014


“When what God asks begins to make human sense, God can become mighty small.” Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took him to his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name JESUS (Matt. 1:24–25). Oh, how many times have I been told by the Lord to do some particular thing in a particular way and not been 100 percent obedient? Far too many, I have no doubt. I tell many stories of miraculous events that have happened in my life simply because I obeyed a command that often made little sense. You see, when we, in our humanness, do something that makes absolutely no sense but sensible things happen as a result, we are greatly moved. One time, the Lord told me to cross a street and walk up a particular sidewalk. Not knowing why or questioning, I did as He commanded. As I approached the sidewalk, a man began yelling at me and hit me full force with his fist. I felt nothing! As I stood there in utter shock, the man cried out, “What are you, some sort of preacher?” I answered, still in shock, and might I add, no pain, “Why, yes sir, I am.” The man immediately went to his knees and professed Jesus as Lord as he confessed to every imaginable sin. Now I ask you, did it make sense for me to cross the street, be struck and feel absolutely nothing? Of course not, while my macho side would like to have said it was because of my superior strength and stamina. However, the reality is God did a miraculous work. I was simply the puppet. The question remains, however, “How many times have we missed out on such miraculous events either out of disobedience, fear, guilt, shame, or some other completely unjustifiable excuse?” I believe Joseph’s obedience was key to why God chose him. He knew Joseph would obey, even when it didn’t make sense. I would like to ask you today to believe Jesus can use you. If you have been saved one hour or a hundred years, He can, and will, use you for His glory. He is looking for willing servants—those who care not what man thinks; those who are adventurous enough to do things others say should not or could not be done. Why, you ask? Because, if man can accomplish something, then man is able to explain it away, but when God moves, you never know what is going to happen, and isn’t that miraculous? † Lord, may we always be more willing to obey and answer than we are to hide and wonder. May we no longer make excuses but rather make memories of the miraculous things You have done. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 

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