Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 205 “Joy or fear is coming for all; have you told them what you know?”

Day 205 Matthew 24:32-35 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” In Redding, California, where we live, there are very distinct seasons. While the climate here can be at times very unpredictable, the seasons are amazingly predictable. For example, sometime in May our temperatures will reach 100 plus; that is when you know the rains have by and large ended. From this point on, you can plan your outdoor events and be more than reasonably sure that, other than an occasional shower, the storms are over for at least 3 months. In October, generally on or near Halloween, our first major storm will hit. In December, there will be rain, and within the first 2 weeks of January, we will have a week or more of sunshine. When the geese head for the north, we can prepare our ground for planting, and when the deer disappear, summer is days away. These are signs of the times. I can also remember as a child growing up in Eureka, California: a coastal town where my family and I spent a great deal of time on the ocean. At that time, the weather recording data and instant information was not available to the average man, so we learned to look at other signs for our information. When you are on a giant ocean in a small boat, you truly must be watchful for certain signs in order to avoid utter destruction. For example, the fog bank: when you saw the fog coming, you would watch the speed with which it approached; if it came in quickly, it was being pushed by a wind. The speed of the fog movement would tell you approximately how big the waves would be that were coming your way. If you were not paying attention, you could find yourself too far out to sea to find the shelter of the harbor; hence, risking possible capsizing. On a clear day, you would listen to the ring of the various bells positioned in the sea; as the rhythm changed, you knew the sea was changing, and you reacted accordingly. These were the signs of danger. All around us there are signs showing us the dangers we face now, the dangers we may soon face, and the signs of the times. These signs are there for our protection; they are there to help us get through life with the least amount of turmoil and trouble, and they are our help. Jesus is telling us in this passage that we, too, must watch for the signs of His coming; that while we are not to be fearful, we are to be ready and watchful. Why, you ask? The answer, if for no other reason, is because He says to, and, in addition, that we might be ready–our spiritual bags packed so to speak. In verse 34, Jesus tells us that the generation that sees the signs He has been speaking of in Chapter 24 will see the return of Christ. Now, I don't know about you, but I see much of that taking place all around us as we speak. Does that mean I stop what I'm doing and stand with my suitcase waiting for Jesus to rescue me? Of course not, but it does mean I do all I can to be prepared to go: I spend time in my word, I test the teachings I hear and read, and most of all, I share what I see, hear, and read with those who are unaware. Let's say you're standing on a corner waiting for the crosswalk light to change, traffic is whizzing by, everyone in a hurry, when, suddenly, a blind person walks up next to you and, unaware of the danger, steps off the curb and proceeds to step into the path of sure destruction. Would you attempt to warn him or would you ignore it and watch him be hurt or possibly killed for fear of offending? Why, of course you would do everything you could, including risking your own life, to stop him, wouldn't you? No, there really isn't a difference between the blind man in the story and the person you have yet to tell of Christ–the outcome truly will be the same. You see the signs and you know what they are pointing to–wouldn't it be a good idea to tell someone? Daily Prayer: Father, I pray that You will give us the strength and fortitude to share our faith and to reveal to others the signs of the times. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. “Joy or fear is coming for all; have you told them what you know?” Gene Burroughs, Pastor

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