Saturday, August 20, 2011

Worthy to Endure

Worthy to Endure

Deborah and I were having an all to familiar discussion a few nights ago regarding our paths and the direction the Lord has taken each of us, our families, and friends, when I had a new revelation regarding this walk of faith. There are many revelations and light bulb moments one has when they experience such tragedy as we have in our lives so this was truly nothing new. The depth of this revelation however was extremely unique, it was fresh, it was new, and it was intriguing. It was during our conversation that I realized the suffering, pain, tribulation, persecution, and above all loneliness of Dawn’s passing was an honor that God has given to me. Yes I did say honor. You see in the midst of grief, pain and sorrow we have every reason to feel as if we deserve some form of sympathy, or reward for our suffering. It is perfectly natural for one to feel the woe is me syndrome and many do, and far too many remain in such a place for the rest of their time on earth. However is this what God would have for His children? Would He desire that we who have endured would remain in a place of pain allowing our lights of testimony and faith to grow dim as if He were not enough to sustain us? If I look at the circumstances surrounding my life for the past thirty one years prior to Dawn’s passing from a worldly perspective it could and would be very destructive, not just to myself but in addition to all whom I influence. Think about it; I married my High School sweetheart, we fell deeply in love with each other as we fell deeply in love with the Lord. I served Him for over thirty years many of which were done while holding down sixty plus hour a week positions. I was never unfaithful to my wife and always by the grace of God was able to provide for our family. I haven’t drank in over thirty years, don’t cuss, don’t do drugs or smoke, and while I am far from perfect I try to always please and serve the Lord. Out of obedience I take a struggling Church in a community most people shun, and within two weeks realize my wife has less than a year to live. I care for her for every day for seven months, she goes to heaven and I am left alone with two teenage girls at home a twenty eight year old married daughter, two grandchildren a son, and a Church that cannot support my family. Do you feel sorry for me yet, please don’t! You see that is the way the world looks at my circumstances, but here is the reality; He found me worthy! Yes I am serious, He found me worthy to have spent so many years learning so much, blessed beyond measure, and now He has a new plan for my life.
Let the world say I am a fool, let them say I have reason to complain, let them say whatever they would but above all let them say I was worthy to have endured for His glory! Yes this is an honor, one that I am blessed to have been called to, one that I know I have failed at more than not, but nonetheless He has carried me through. I have been drawn closer to Him, I have learned to trust Him, to love Him, to allow Him to be my all in all, I have learned to appreciate what He allows in my life in order to make me who He desires me to be. I have learned to surrender and obey and I pray that I never forget the lessons learned. Oh what an honor it is to have endured the pain, the pain that causes His light in me to shine bright for His glory! Yes it is easy now to cry out with joy, I have been through the fire and the coolness of His breath of blessing has blown upon me, and it refreshes me every day! He has given me new hope, new love, new joy, a new partner in life and ministry, and new inspiration, and I am eternally grateful to have been called “Worthy to Endure”.
Gene Burroughs
Servant of God
Shasta Lake Church of New Beginnings

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