Sunday, August 14, 2011

The spirit that seeks to destroy

As we look upon the various events taking place around the world one cannot help but be moved by increased level of attacks upon seemingly innocent people due to perceived social injustice. We witness in so many nations, the unrest of those who feel socially downcast or forgotten. Somehow our word has become a place of getting what we think we deserve as opposed to working hard against all odds to have the things we desire in life. Just last week I watched as many did in horror as a young man in London was brutally attacked by a group of young men. He was beaten and humiliated, then if that was not enough the gang ransacked his backpack either taking or destroying everything within it. Why I asked myself? What would drive people to attack innocent children so viciously for little or no reward? The answer came as I studied the text for this past Sunday’s sermon, covetousness. In 2 Peter chapter 2 Peter speaks of those who are deceivers, liars, destroyers of anyone who will fall prey to them simply because of covetousness. I went on to read very much the same message in the book of Jude, then in Ephesians, Exodus,
1 Timothy, 1 Corinthians and more, the warnings of covetousness. What is covetousness you ask? Here is one definition that sums up many: “The extreme desire to have something you do not have and are willing to gain at all cost”. Satan himself led the greatest revolt of all time resulting in his own eternal judgment due to his coveting of the Lord’s worship and power. This same covetousness falls in the same category as fornication, gossip, lying, heresies, idolatry, and more, hence it is in my opinion to be taken as seriously if not more so than all sin and temptation. Think about it, if you are coveting something that is not yours, it can drive you to make choices that you would never make otherwise. You will act without prayer, speak without thinking, and make accusation without understanding, and in extreme cases steal from those who have what you desire. We are not just speaking of earthly possessions mind you, you can covet someone else’s gifting, blessing, ability, talent and so on, all of which are not yours to own. If you choose to act upon your desire you can also be committing idolatry, yes idolatry! Think about it, if my desire to have something outweighs my faith to wait upon the Lord to provide or not, I have placed that which I desire above the Lord, better known as idolatry!
I am convinced more than ever that today covetousness proposes one of the greatest dangers to a civil society, and the enemy will use it as long as he can. You see our world is experiencing a widening gap between the haves and the have not’s, those who have nothing view anyone with more than they have as someone wealthy. The wealthy are now a target, why because, those who have nothing, want something, anything, because the world has placed such great value upon possessions. The worldly value of a man has become the equivalent of what he owns, or possess as opposed to his character or contribution to society. Character, morals, values, they are all decreasing in importance on a daily basis and the result is utter chaos! My dear friends all you need do is look at the headlines in any nation and you will see the evidence of covetousness being acted out in the most heinous of methods. In the end the same spirit that caused the fall of satan and the angels, as well as the fall of man, will be the same spirit that usher’s mankind into the final judgment.
What do we do? We pray and avoid falling in to the trap of covetousness, the trap that has been laid for all mankind by the enemy of man and God, don’t take the bait!

Gene Burroughs Servant
New Beginnings Shasta Lake

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