Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Side of Heaven

This side of heaven

Someday this will al make sense; every trial, every challenge, every ounce of pain and suffering will all make perfect sense, but not on this side of heaven. You see on this side of heaven we are given the opportunity to be tested, endure suffering, and to survive the greatest of trials. While on the inside of heaven, well truly we can only imagine. We know that there will be no pain, no heartache, no sorrow, no grief, and much more than that , well its a mystery. It is this side of heaven that each one of us are far too familiar with, we live in it each and every day, and every moment it reminds us of who and where we are!
 While it would make great sense for me to desire to be in  heaven now, rejoined with my bride, basking in the presence of God, I must admit that deep down I desire to for now remain on this side of heaven. I know that each one of us desire to have our suffering end, to take our place amongst those who have gone before us, I know that given a choice any reasonable person would choose to be in heaven as opposed to spending endless hours suffering on this earth. However, once we have made our final journey to our final destination it is then that life suddenly becomes about receiving our blessing, it is then that we are given the reward for our time spent on this side of heaven. But here, this is where we have been given the opportunity to make a difference for others, an opportunity to represent the God of all creation to His children. An opportunity to introduce children to the Father they have never known, a chance to give others the hope of heaven! Let me ask you, what other purpose do we serve, why else would we be asked to endure all that we do here on this earth? Yes I am confused, confused as to why anyone who proclaims Jesus as Lord would ever believe, or live as if this side of heaven was simply a place we hang out until we go home. I’m  sorry but I do refuse to believe or accept fact that all there is to this life is suffering without purpose, comfort without cost, or pain without payment, yes our time this side of heaven must be lived knowing that we are here for a purpose! If we have no purpose we have no hope, without hope we are lost, and if we are lost we are no different than those who have never met Jesus.
    I miss my wife more than I could have ever imagined, Dawn was my soul mate, my best friend, my partner in ministry, and my partner in life, and yes I miss her. I have been to the crossroad and I have made a choice, my choice is not to continue to serve God as I have. My choice is to serve Him with a greater fervor, a simpler faith, a more passionate desire, and with a greater sense of urgency than I ever have before! I refuse to dishonor her memory, to throw away thirty plus years of serving together, simply because of my loss, or out of fear of what lies ahead, or because I am mad at God. First of all I have not lost Dawn we will be together again only this time without all of the baggage on this side of heaven. Secondly after what we have been through there is nothing on this earth that I fear, God has been more than faithful to carry all of us through this trial and He has promised to continue to do so, and He will! And last but not least how can I be angry at the God who created this woman and loaned her to me for so long, this woman who bore three wonderful daughters full of grace, this woman who impacted so many lives, mine included. How can I be mad at the God who has carried me through, given me strength, given me hope, and transformed my life, how can I be mad at the God who has given me purpose?
Today I would like to ask you one question, “Are you living a life on this side of heaven worthy of the other side of heaven?” If not why not, if yes are you sure?
Gene Burroughs
Servant of God,


  1. Gene,
    Thank You for that. I take great comfort in knowing just as I was ready to write a letter regarding this very same issue I decided to read your blog. God is good in that he confirms with all his people his will. It is not intolerance, haughtiness, exclusion, or unlove. His will is to love as he loves us. To reach those in need, those who are hurting, those who need a Savior. Thank You

  2. I have only one word that comes to mind: Awesome!
    What an Awesome God we serve!
