Saturday, March 27, 2010

Quite the Ride

As I look back upon the happenings of this past week I cannot help but look beyond, back in to the farther depths of the well of strange happenings, and tragedies of the past four months since this chapter of our lives began. To say that it has been strange, weird, or to use any other available adjective to describe it falls so short that I dare not waste the time. This has all been nothing short of supernatural, the kind of things that people locked up in closets for long periods of time come up with, yet this is and has been for us reality. Everything from cancer, to pipes breaking, ceilings falling in, roof leaks, gas leaks, cables cut, delays in care, bathroom blood lettings, more delays, chemo businesses closing down, forgotten appointments, boils, infections, strange diseases, Insurance delays, need I go on? However to only expose the dark nature of circumstances and situations would be to give the devil too much glory and the Lord to little, so let’s take another look at the recent goings on.
On Monday Michaela (our youngest) was pant’s by a girl while walking up the hill from the playground and shortly after her backpack was found in the boy’s bathroom. However since this day the young lady offender has sincerely apologized and I truly believe that she realized her joking around was not always appropriate. The young man involved in the backpack incident has and is still going through a punishment and the details are more appropriately left private. The new Pastor of the school was able to show that he is a man who cares for his children and that justice will prevail under his leadership, and Michaela has learned that she can trust him to look out for her and all of the children. Today Michaela received by mail a brand new “super cool” backpack complete with a Target gift card inside. On Monday night I experienced a severe attack of Meneres’s disease (vertigo on steroids), and sent my entire family and myself in to a panic. Just to give you an idea here is one way to describe it: climb in to the round up ride at the fair, don’t strap in, and let them turn the ride on. Now you never know when the ride will stop but two things are for certain, they won’t turn it off soon enough, and secondly you can no more suppress the urge to remove the contents of your insides via your throat including parts that should not come out no more than you can stop the ride. By Friday the attacks are nonstop (to varying degrees of severity), and everyone even the doctors and specialists are a little concerned, so off to a brain scan. And the results are, may I have a drum roll please; you got it nothing wrong! I know you thought I would say nothing there, ha ha, no they found a brain, one with no lesions or visible damage, another miracle I might add. So where is the good side you ask? First of all I was able to spend the day with a very good friend, one who cares enough to run me all over town without complaining, and one who loves my family dearly. Secondly we received two prophetic words from folks who both said that we were nearing the end of this trial. No less than four people shared with me this week that the Lord was about to release His blessing and prosperity on Shasta Lake. Another friend who was in Israel last week informed me today that while she was there the Lord gave her a burden for Michaela and that she had been praying for her with no idea of what was taking place. Someone paid our daughters tuition at CCS for the next five months, another person took both Natalie and Michaela shopping for clothes today! I had no more attacks today, (don’t worry Dr Mu I’m staying inactive), our bills are paid and we have a roof over our head. Dawn is still with us, and she and I are very confident that with all of my medical testing through these trials I am actually very healthy and there appears to be nothing lurking within me that will prevent me from taking care of our family. Our faith has been bolstered the enemy has been frustrated we have prayed with hundreds if not thousands, and God has been glorified! So just what have we learned this week? We learned that we have a great number of friends and family who love us, pray for us, care for us, and are there for us! We were reminded once again that we serve a sovereign God who will allow nothing to come upon us that has not first passed by Him and been allowed for our betterment, and finally we have learned to be grateful for all of this and so much more. We have no idea what tomorrow will hold for this family, what mountains, chasms, valleys, blessings or trials await us, but we do know this one thing, that we will not be alone and that He and we will ultimately prevail, no matter what!
Please pray for Dawn her Asthma is acting up and we would not want her to develop pneumonia as that could be very dangerous for her. To this point the side effects of the chemo have been very minimal and for that we are truly grateful.
To God be the glory! Amen

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