Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Taming the Tongue

For quite some time now, the Lord has impressed upon me the importance of each of us lifting up our brothers and sisters in Christ. As always, when we begin to look upon what we should be doing, we find the things that we are doing—those things that are generally the opposite of what God is teaching us. What do I mean? As I was seeking the Lord as to how I was to lift up my brothers and sisters, He began to show me the power of the spoken word, the source of which begins first in the heart and is delivered by the tongue. The heart, however, is described in Matthew 15 as the source of the things that defile a man. James, chapter 3, tells us of the power of the tongue, how it is compared to the rudder of a ship, a miniscule instrument (by comparison) used to steer a mighty ship. And while mankind can tame every animal and form of beast, no man can tame the tongue. However, the most powerful verse for me is 3:9 where it says, “With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude [or likeness] of God.” For myself, I know far too often I look upon my brother’s splinter while dodging my log. After all, if God created everything (which he did), who are we to put down His creation? Is that not a direct criticism of the Creator himself? I know we can validate our comments as advice or because we care, but aren’t we just trying to justify ourselves? I believe we would all be better served to look for the good in all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. In our daily interaction, let our focus be on the good things, which God has created in all of us, rather than on the shortcomings of man. Let us look upon the positive, things that build up rather than tear down. After all, doesn’t the enemy of our soul do enough to tear down each of us? I daresay we don’t need any more help finding our own shortcomings and failures. I encourage you, my dear family, to lift each other up in the name of the Lord. Let us leave our negative comments in the trash where they belong, instead encouraging, lifting each other up in the name of the Lord. Now may you go and “spread some smiles today.” Gene Burroughs, Servant of God

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