Monday, November 5, 2012

Choose Wisely on 12/06/12 As we enter into the final days before what may be the most important and pivotal presidential election in our history, I felt compelled to share my own struggles with making my decision. To begin with, I truly do and always have voted along moral lines as opposed to party lines. You see, as a believer, I hold no loyalty, conviction, or dedication to any political affiliation or party. My only loyalty, conviction, and dedication is to the Word of God and to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hence, politics is not a studied or favorite subject of mine, as politics by nature seem corrupt and largely go against the Word of God. As a result, my vote will always be based upon issues of morality: candidates, their actions, beliefs, and proposed actions will be measured against my interpretation of what the Word of God says about those core beliefs. Two major issues for me this year are the following: I believe, without a doubt, the Word of God is clear that homosexuality is a sin: Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:26-31; and more. Should you choose to say that God is not against homosexuality, then you say the Word of God is not infallible, which destroys the very foundation of what you say you believe (short explanation). I do not hate homosexuals any more than I hate anyone else practicing sin; however, those who twist the Word of God and attempt to support any unholy act with a Holy Word will be faced with much opposition from this servant of God. Next, I choose to look at the taking of unborn human life, another very controversial subject, yet I wonder why. Why is abortion so controversial among Christians? Yes, a woman has a right to choose as does every person God created. I have the right to choose every day whether or not I will drink, overeat, use drugs, view pornography, and more, and, yes, I must choose to turn away from sin because I was born in sin as are all men. However, when I am forced by law to support a choice that goes against my beliefs and against my core values, the line has been crossed. If an unborn child is not alive, then why must we take its life in order to prevent birth, and if we do take a human life, is it not murder? End of argument for me. Again, sin is sin, and you can choose to do whatever you desire to do before God-it truly will be you who stands before Him, not me. However, I will not be forced or mandated to support such activity without making known at every opportunity my vehement disagreement with such action. These two points alone have been enough for me to make the choice to vote against our current president for his re-election. Now, you say what about Romney? He is a Mormon, a member of a cult! My first response is this: God alone will judge every man for his actions. God alone holds the keys to heaven, and Jesus is the gate through which all must pass. Yes, Mormonism is based upon false teachings, but I daresay there are many who profess Jesus in the church today who will face the same judgment, and all will stand before the same judge. However, Mr. Obama states that he is a Christian and then openly supports gay marriage and abortion and forces us, as believers, to support his openly rebellious actions against the very Word which he says he believes. This, my friends, is a far greater sin; it is an act of open defiance toward the God we worship! This to me is no different than supporting Saul as opposed to David. In my humble opinion, by supporting such an openly defiant man, I am standing in the crowd with others at the time of Jesus' death saying, "crucify Him!" Our president says he is a Christian, and the Word of God tells us a tree shall be known by its fruit (Matthew 7:15-20). No matter how many times a tree may say I am an apple or a fig, if it bears lemons, it is, in fact, a lemon tree. The fruit President Obama bears is not that of a Godly man, at least not the man of God I choose to be or support. Yes, I know I have stirred it up, but I pray that the Holy Spirit has stirred some hearts, and I openly challenge anyone to use the Word of God in context to contradict the facts I have shared with you today. That is, of course, if you believe the Word of God is infallible and true and unchangeable, just as the Lord Himself said He was and is (2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 1:1, Hebrews 13:8), just to name a few. If you do not believe the Word of God to be infallible, then, well, let me ask you, "What are you standing on?" Gene Burroughs, Servant

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